Monday, November 16, 2020

Senator Paul Gazelka test positive for covid19.....who is surprised when he never wears a mask??? 

This guy isn't fit to collect my garbage, say nothing of representing me. What a joke the rethuglican party is.  And yes, they are thugs.  Isn't that what you call someone who intends to harm someone else and commits atrocities against others?

Democrats are rightfully calling for his resignation...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Covid 19 is out of control(355 cases in ONE DAY, in Morrison County

 Thanks to a lot of really selfish morons, covid19 will eat up rural Minnesota including Morrison County. Over 75 percent of Morrisoncountyites, our covid cases have now exceeded Todd County where there are 2 major meat packing plants.

 Great job anti-masking Trumpers. 

You know who you are.

This area is rightly titled Skankville.

Most backwards, pathetic area in the entire state.

Makes me want to puke.  Gazelka got his "blessing" the form of covid19.  Can he live with it? If his wife gets it, will she rightfully blame his carelessness/disregard for masks?  Will she survive it? 

Thank goodness for smart people like Gov. Walz, Michael Osterholm and Neel Kaskari.  If you oppose their good advice you are on the wrong side of history.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Thomas Boblett arrested AGAIN

 Thomas is the brother of Crystal Ann Boblett, who was in the black SUV in 2015 that the gun was fired from, with Rachel Bollin, Brittany Harnack and Breanna Harnack. As they drove away from my alley, they threatened to come back and kill me. Pamela Mortenson is the mom of Crystal and Thomas.  He is back in jail for drugs and domestic violence. There sure are a lot of scummy families in Morrison County.  Skankville.

Sunday, November 1, 2020