This depiction of QUACKDOK is from his OWN Facebook page. Pretty clear depiction. Only HE should be wearing the clown hat. READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF Omar Mateens 911 call......he says the U.S MUST STOP BOMBING SYRIA AND IRAQ.....blowback from our illegal wars/drone assassinations/invasions/torture and more. 12 times he mentions stop the killing, stop air strikes, stop the bombing of innocent women and children in Iraq and Syria. Clearly this was weighing on him.
Exactly the point that peace groups and whistleblowers have been trying to make for DECADES.
Part one of 2 below
Part 2 of 2 below it gets heated at 36 minutes in, when Cody Robertson asks Usama for proof of what he is saying. Cody asks him to provide 2 sources of textbooks that are used in US schools and Usama won't provide it, as he CAN'T.....because I believe he is lying. He diverts the conversation to skirt the relevant question. All he needed to do was to name 2 textbooks, in order to defend his claims. But he didn't. Cody and the other gentleman never do get their questions answered. Usama won't EVER answer those type of questions.
Listen at 1:09 minutes at the end of the film when I call out Usama Hussein Dakdok for what he is .... SATAN. And now this was published this morning....
WILL PASTOR TODD WOODEN RESIGN.......TIME WILL TELL. Regardless, this should have taught the RADICALIZED so called "believers" at Oak Street Chapel a thing or two about spreading hate and fear. Hopefully QUACKDOK will not find himself welcome in the Brainerd area ever again.
I can't wait to protest against him again, should he ever return to Little Falls. I could not attend his Granite City Baptist church presentation in St. Cloud last night.....but I will next time, should he ever return to that area.
Here are the 2 videos of the protest discussion outside the church.